June 7, 2024: Exploring resilient solutions to the problem of extreme heat in Phoenix, David Sailor, ASU

May 3, 2024: Unlocking the Mysteries of Pancreatic Cancer, Derek Cridebring, TGEN

April 5, 2024: Quantum Computing — Christian Arenz, ASU

March 1, 2024:  Luke AFB F35 Fighter Pilot Training

February 2, 2024:  The NASA Pysche Mission–Journey to a Metal World

Jan 5, 2024 An Automated World–Technologies and their Impact on Future Jobs

December, 2023   Aquifer Recharge and Replenishment

Nov 3, 2023:  The James Webb Space Telescope–Seeing through the Eyes of Einstein

Oct 6, 2023:  The Science of Preventing Alzhiemer’s Disease

Jun 2, 2023:  Electric Vehicles and the Future

Feb 3, 2023:  Everything You Need to Know about Electric Vehicles

Nov 4, 2022:  ExRNAs in Biofluids and their Potential to Monitor Central Nervous System Injury and Disease

Dec 3, 2021:  Hydrogeology of the Phoenix Active Management Area